Awkward bed scenes we’ve all experienced

Awkward bed scenes we’ve all experienced

By Sabine, 08.08.2019

Sex is fun, relaxing and an amazing pastime. But let’s be honest, sometimes it can also get a bit clumsy between the sheets. From queefing to drunken sex: you’ve probably experienced these awkward bed scenes at some point.

In movies and porn it may seem as though sex happens neatly, with an explosive orgasm in the end. Of course, we know better. Sex can also be rather awkward at times. Even when the attraction between you two is phenomenal, a steamy session of love-making can bring along some embarrassing scenes.

Something that’s both awkward and inconvenient: having to search for a rubber in the heat of the moment. Especially when his hard-on turns into a soft-on in the meantime, as you impatiently ransack your nightstand. Or even worse: you find out that neither one of you is carrying a rubber. Suddenly, you find yourself in a discussion about who is going to head over to the supermarket.

Code Red
While you and your partner tear each other’s clothes off, suddenly you can feel something coming down your leg. If that sticky mess down under is the result of you being horny, then your partner has been very successful. Oops. Fortunately, this embarrassing moment is easily reversed. That is, having sex while on your period does not need to be uncomfortable at all, as long as you both are fine enjoying a Bloody Mary.

There’s a first time for everything. Even for the moment you first fart in front of the person you regularly share the bed with. Whether it’s through the front or the back door: farts are very human, but not always as welcome. Every body produces sounds, as your vajayjay will probably let you know after a good session.

Orgasm struggles
While you’ve been going at it for some time, you both start to realize that no-one is going to be peaking that day. At first, it seemed such a good idea to finish that bottle of liquor together. Ah well, perhaps neither of you coming is better than your partner already climaxing after a few seconds.

Your partner undoubtedly loves hearing you enjoy them touching you, but your roomies are probably not as excited about your cries of joy. It’s definitely a bit awkward when someone knocks on the door to ask if you can tone it down a notch, but luckily we’re all familiar with the sound of people going at it. 

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