Woman in lingerie holding handcuffs
Two women in sexy lingerie
Black couple kuddling
Six foots in a bed
Header Joybear logo
Man and woman kissing
Woman in lingerie on bed with her phone
Man kissing a sexy woman with a blindfold
Man and woman in sexy lingerie in bed
Older couple cuddling
Man and woman in a plane, kissing

Sex as part of your lifestyle

Is sex really part of your lifestyle, or is it just something that comes along every now and then ? At Dusk, we think it’s important to make sex a real part of your life. It’s nice to have sex and that’s why we help you spice up your sex life. On this page you will find fun and exciting stories that help you to make sex a real part of your lifestyle.

Tips for a better sex life

Have you ever thought about what food and drink can do for your sex life? On this page you will find all articles that ensure that your lifestyle fits well with a nice sex life. What should you drink and eat to have better sex? How can exercise affect your sex life? Want to know how to have a great sex life while having pets? Does your horoscope affect your sex life? These are all topics that we include in our erotic lifestyle stories. Take the time to read these articles as they will definitely improve your sex life.