Blindfolts and strawberries
Two sexy women with naked butts in lingerie
Man and woman looking at a laptop in bed
Woman with blindfold
Man and woman holding hands together
Man spanking a sexy woman on a bed
Couple in bed watching porn on a laptop
Naked woman with red polished nails
Woman in sexy black lingerie
Woman with high heels and naked butt
Happy people at a party
Woman's breasts in a sexy black bra

Erotic interests

Do you have erotic interests, or do you want to know more about the interests of other women? At DUSK magazine you will find the best erotic stories for and by women. Read these stories and find out what other women’s erotic interests are. You might find some inspiration for your own sex life here.


Develop exciting interests to take your sex life to a whole new level. On this page are several stories of women to share their interest with you. These interests are guaranteed to give you new horny ideas. Watch our erotic videos to see some live action!