

By Janna, 03.04.2023

A dream about sex, we all have them every now and then, but why? Even when your focus isn’t on sex at all, you can still have intense dreams about it. According to experts, sex dreams occur at a time when changes are taking place in your life. We’ve listed the most common reasons for dreaming about sex below. 

You’re ready for a change

If you’re ready for a change, this could manifest itself as a steamy dream. New events are often accompanied by stress. In a sex dream, your brain shows that it’s time for a bit of excitement. Maybe you’re soon moving house or going on a trip, who knows, you might have a new job. So, not at all surprising if that new colleague suddenly appears in your sex dream. 

You’ve hit a dry spell

Sex? You haven’t had any in a long time. Having a sex dream doesn’t necessarily always have to do with sex, but sometimes it can be an indication that it’s high time for a good romp. Naturally, this doesn’t have to be with someone else, as you can also go solo to satisfy your needs.

Someone’s giving you jitters

You know, when someone’s giving you that nice tingling, deep down in your belly. Not surprising if that person turns your world upside down as soon as you arrive in dreamland. So, better to just enjoy it, who knows those dreams might come true one day.

You’re in a creative flow

A sex dream can also occur when you’re in a creative flow. For example, some people notice that they come up with very good ideas during sex, or right after an orgasm. Sex goes hand in hand with creativity. Are you busy with a new project, or bursting with inspiration? Well, hello sex dreams! 

You admire someone

It’s not so crazy for someone you admire to appear in your dreams. It may sound strange but if you have great admiration for someone, they might suddenly appear in one of your most thrilling sex dreams. This doesn’t necessarily mean you’re sexually attracted to that person, but only that you’re impressed by them. During sleep, you process everything that kept you busy during the day, including the good qualities of people around you that you respect.

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