Oh, ohh, ohhh… That’s how long an orgasm lasts

Oh, ohh, ohhh… That’s how long an orgasm lasts

By Janna, 27.04.2023

An orgasm, the big O. We don’t stop talking about it. And although it’s not the main thing when having sex, it’s still a very pleasant side effect. Did you know that only 35% of women can reach an orgasm by penetration alone? They’re the lucky few! How long it takes us to reach our peak depends on several factors. But how long does that orgasm actually rumble through our body?

A bit about the natural painkiller

For many, it may be superfluous to give any more reasons for embracing your climax. Still, it’s always nice to have a new excuse to treat yourself to another delicious orgasm. When you come, your body produces more endorphins, or happy hormones. Thanks to this process, your orgasm works like a powerful painkiller. The endorphins immediately reduce annoying ailments like head, muscle and back pain. With most meds relief only kicks in after a while, but an orgasm instantly makes everything better. So having a headache is actually a very bad excuse to get out of having sex!

Orgasm averages of men

When it comes to orgasms, men are on the short end. An orgasm of someone with a penis usually lasts between 6 to 9 seconds. In general, a man also reaches his climax sooner. The average man comes during sex, after about seven minutes. Is he having a solo party? Then his climax can be reached within two minutes. So pretty fast! Luckily, there are plenty of techniques a man can use to delay his climax a little longer. For example, a cock ring can help delay an orgasm. And some men can delay their orgasm by focusing on something other than the sensation of sex. 

Orgasm averages of women

Women, on the other hand, take almost twice as long and on average reach an orgasm after 13 minutes. Although it may take women a bit more effort, they get more in return. When a woman comes, she can enjoy this moment for about 20 seconds. So hard work pays off!

Not every romp or self-love session will result in a climax and that’s totally okay. Every body is different, works differently and reacts differently. So no need to panic if your experience is different from what we describe here.

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