What Vaping Does for Your Sexlife

What Vaping Does for Your Sexlife

By Emmeline Peaches, 23.04.2019

Does vaping make you a better lover as opposed to lighting up a cigarette? And what about fetishes?


Vaping is now an international phenomenon and with very good reason. Governments have been vocal in highlighting the fact that vaping is 95% less detrimental than smoking a cigarette or other methods of nicotine intake. Studies looking at the potential damage of vaping have always been done in extreme conditions which don’t mimic the normal concentration that a person would vape in and the business itself is booming (or should we say pluming) with mods, juices, and tanks galore.

But fetishes? It’s time to talk love, sex, and vape.

Erect Cigarettes, Floppy Phalluses?

Cigarettes have long been considered as somewhat iconic in terms of sexual appeal but in reality they can actually be quite detrimental to one’s love life.

One of the big things that smoking does is cause damage to a person’s blood vessels. This results in poor arterial blood flow which, in turn means poor flow to the penis (and clitoris, for that matter) making sexual performance and gratification harder.


The additional chemicals found in cigarettes also cause issues with the neurotransmitters in the brain and the ability for these transmitters to fire and release the right chemicals is crucial for sexual arousal, response, and climax. This means that even if your arteries aren’t blocked by regular cigarette use then your brain might still block you from having a great sex session.

The additional chemicals found in cigarettes also cause issues with the neurotransmitters in the brain and the ability for these transmitters to fire and release the right chemicals is crucial for sexual arousal, response, and climax. This means that even if your arteries aren’t blocked by regular cigarette use then your brain might still block you from having a great sex session.

Studies have shown that cigarette smoking is directly linked to erectile dysfunction and is one of the most likely causes of it in younger individuals.

Not ideal, in the slightest.

Vaping Away the Issues

Comparatively, vaping does not contain the thousands of chemicals in cigarette smoke which are the culprit of its cancer-causing and other mortality-increasing properties. Instead vape typically contains nicotine, propylene glycol and/or glycerine, and flavourings.

Even then, nicotine is often optional, meaning that those who smoke for the appeal of the oral motion and the plumes of smoke are still able to do so without harm. 

This means that vaping is a viable way of helping recover from smoke-related erectile dysfunction, as transitioning will allow the body to recover from the damage of smoking and to return to a more sexually functional state.

But Is It Sexy?

That really depends on who you’re talking to.

Some people absolutely hate vaping and always will. That’s an understandable position to hold but won’t ring true for everyone.


Smoking fetishes, also known as capnolagnia, are still alive and well and involve people deriving sexual pleasure from the action of smoking, from seeing others smoke, or from the things attributed to smoking (the clouds, the aroma, the action).

The idea that someone isn’t able to safely experience a fetish would be heartbreaking but it’s inherently true of smoking cigarettes, due to the issues caused by smoking and of second hand smoke.

Do you secretly have a fetish? We have collected very interesting fetishes you might not know of! Read about them here!


For those with capnolagnia, however, vaping is a drastically safer alternative that still comes with many of the benefits (especially if using a vape device that is more similar to an e-cigarette). There is still the motion of device-to-mouth, there is still a very hypnotic cloud of smoke in production, and one can still blow smoke in a submissive’s face or find juices that mimic the smell or taste of cigarettes.

In addition to this, vaping has gained its own sexual following. Google ‘vape porn’ and you will find over 2 million results, Clips can involve the sheer act of vaping or things more creative, such as a person vaping directly on to their genitals and masturbating to the sensation.

Nicotine itself is also known to cause increased sensations, alertness, and a ‘head high’ which can augment sexual acts, depending on the concentration used. This means that vaping isn’t just effective as a sexual prop but also as something to augment sexual gratification.

Specific Benefits

One of the best things about vaping in a sexual setting is that you can also get devices that vary the size of the plume or allow you to do different smoke-based tricks which can easily play in to a sexual session or a BDSM scene.

Vape devices also allow different ‘flavours’ to be used which come with different scents to them, so users could easily use different juice flavours for different situations or help set a scene by using a specific aroma.


In terms of sensation play, a blindfolded individual can also achieve potential satisfaction from hearing someone vaping and then detecting the juice that they have used. One could also play around with positioning by having the only thing that gives away where they might be standing be the sound of them vaping before following it up with the sting of a cane, the sweet drizzle of some oil, or the tails of a flogger running over their blindfolded sub’s skin. There is a lot of potential to be had there.

But, hey, it’s not all about sex – vaping can be a good way to meet someone too.

Vaping culture

Those who are involved in vaping culture will typically like someone who equally knows about and embraces their vaping lifestyle. As such, vaping becomes one way that people can connect, get to know each other and perhaps form a romantic relationship. Some vape bars even have their own dating nights, which encourages vapers to try and meet the love of their life through vape. Tinder, eat your non-vaping heart out!

Finally, we’d be remiss if we didn’t mention the potentially relaxing benefits that vaping can cause. Nicotine itself is a strange one in that it can both make you more alert but also more relaxed. This is why people would traditionally ‘light up’ after a gratifying sex session – to bring things back down to earth a bit more. But, hey, we all know why cigarettes aren’t ideal for this by now.

Vaping, in contrast, can still provide that nicotine hit while also encouraging a calming state through the breathing pattern involved (which is typically less harsh than smoking). Deep breaths and a sweet flavour after an intense scene might be just what some people need, making it a vital aftercare tool that you can play around with.

The Takeaway

While non-smokers aren’t encouraged to start vaping there’s no denying that it has a lot of potential benefits from those who are currently smoking or those with a smoking fetish.

So, if you find yourself craving clouds but also seeking for a safer way to play then why not consider the potential benefits of vaping?

We can promise you that you won’t be alone in your explorations.

Camera Angle: Casey Calvert & Jay Smooth

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