What to expect when having a threesome

What to expect when having a threesome

By Sabine, 20.06.2022

For many people having a threesome is on top of their sexual bucketlist. Including a man or women is one of the most ultimate sex fantasies. But how does it work, three people in one bed? We’ll tell you what to expect – and what not to. 

It’s a bit messy

A ménage à trois like you know from porn videos, or tv shows and movies, where everybody knows exactly what to do, really is just a work of fiction. Especially when it’s a first. It just takes some time getting familiar. 

To make this easier you can agree to some aspect before you get undressed. What areas are a go or a no-go? Especially if the third person joins a monogamous couple. Agreeing on your wishes and turn-offs will help prevent a lot of stress and disappointment. And it will help guide you through the longings. 

Body Parts everywhere

There are more arms, legs and even genitals in bed: it can get really crowded. Body parts are literally flying around. It’s very possible an arm or elbow could shoot into the wrong direction. Better to laugh about this because it’s part of the deal. It also means you are pretty busy pleasuring all those parts. Never a dull moment during a threesome! 

Being extra safe

A condom may be the last thing on your mind, in the heat of the moment… but safe sex is even more important when it’s three of you. Changes on getting an STD are even bigger!  When entering a new ‘entrance’ you will need to use a new condom. It can be pretty complicated when you’re in the moment. The best thing to do is to get tested before you go wild. It will be easier to enjoy each other without any awkward interruptions and with a safe feeling. It’s everything you want, right?

Positions are more complicated than you might expect

In porn or female friendly erotic videos it all seems so easy. Three people just switch from one position to the other. Without even saying a word, or gesturing, they just know each other moves. In real life it is just, well, a bit harder.  You can’t read minds. What you can do: get inspired by watching some DUSK videos on threesomes. We advice you to agree on the positions before you start the actual sex. Or: agree to go with the flow and just see what works best for you. 

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