Myth Busting: The Winter Vagina

Myth Busting: The Winter Vagina

By Rebecca, 18.12.2023

Have you heard about Winter Vagina? Is it even something you need to worry about? Is your vagina feeling the symptoms of the increasingly cold months? Or does it not even care that the rest of your body is freezing? Let’s find out about winter vagina before the cold months settle in!

What is “Winter Vagina”?

The term “Winter Vagina” was coined by a midwife last year in a report by The Sun. Mary Burke, a former NHS midwife and senior clinical nurse at the London Bridge Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Clinic, claimed that vaginas can enter a “drought mode” during winter months due to dry autumn and winter air that depletes moisture from our bodies. Particularly, central heating systems it would seem.

You know how your legs and arms get dryer in the winter? This midwife thinks this can extend to the vagina.

Is “Winter Vagina” Real?

Despite the claims from this midwife that “Winter Vagina” is a real problem, it has not received any other supportive claims.

The vagina is a self-cleaning, self-regulating part of our body that pretty much takes care of itself, temperature included. Both self-lubrication and discharge are regulated by the vagina, not by the environment, which means you cannot have “Winter Vagina” or “Summer Vagina.” Your vagina, thankfully, is better equipped than that, especially as it is located inside your body. 

Dr. Jen Gunter, Canadian OB/GYN, wrote an incredibly sarcastic article about the myth of the “Winter Vagina,” because it’s not even remotely close to being a thing. “Air doesn’t even get inside the vagina and vaginal moisture has nothing to do with the environment, but what are facts anyway,” writes Gunter.

What to do if you feel like you have “Winter Vagina”?

If you do find that you have symptoms of dryness you should have a chat with your doctor about it – regardless of what time of year it is.

Vaginal dryness can happen at any age, but is more common in older women. Dryness can cause pain or discomfort, most often during any form of intercourse. If penetration is painful in any way, you should speak to a professional about it instead of just brushing it off by thinking it is an effect of weather.

Vaginal dryness can happen for a variety of reasons, but it is often caused by a decrease in estrogen levels, which can be impacted by menopause, childbirth, smoking, surgery, and certain medications including certain allergy medications and antidepressants.

On top of that, anything that causes stress and anxiety can cause a decreased sexual desire, which can result in less self-lubrication.

How to Help Vaginal Dryness?

Sometimes the vagina just needs a little bit of extra help from lubrication. However, sometimes that isn’t enough and you should seek help from a doctor.

Always remember to check out lube recommendations before purchasing a lubricant, as it is not a regulated product. Popular sex bloggers can recommend safe lubricants to use that will get you the most bang for your buck, literally.  A good place to start looking for safe sex toys and safe lubricants is Dangerous Lilly.

What to do when you see things like Winter Vagina online?

When you see wild claims about things to do with female sexual health, take a step back before taking it at face value. Check the source of the claim, and then do a bit more research to see if it makes any sense. If you’re still not sure, talk to a health professional that specializes in this area.

Next week, we get to debunk if Winter Penis is a thing! Hint: That one might be true!

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