Cool Sex in the Hot Summer
Sex tips

Cool Sex in the Hot Summer

By Rebecca, 24.08.2020

Sex in the summer can be pretty warm. And what’s better than staying cool during your hot moments?!

It is definitely getting hot out there! Summer brings lighter clothing, more iced coffees and tons more sun! It also brings about a lot of sweat, which can make sex a bit uncomfortable. There are two options. Either get on board and embrace the sweat or find a way to keep cool. We have a few ways for you to keep cool and still get frisky.


Showers are the most essential part of summer sex. A cold shower can help cool you both down before, after or during! You can partake in some shower adventures to keep you cool during the main event, or you can use the cold water to freshen up beforehand. A full body cool down is key.

Ice Cubes or Iced Fruit

We know you’ve seen it in movies where the ice cubes melts along someone’s skin. In the winter this might sound miserable but turn up the heat to 35 degrees and you’ll be happy you have a full ice cube tray. Alternatively, you can use some frozen fruit, which can be less intense on the skin. Just be careful about getting your sheets dirty (and never put any food near a vulva).


There’s almost nothing better than a cool summer breeze. If you’re lucky enough to have a private balcony or fenced-off rooftop then you can take advantage of the best part of the night. Just make sure that there are no neighbours able to watch. If you have a private outdoor space – use it!

Cold Sex Toys

This is a great time to discover or re-discover temperature play. Sex toys that are made of certain materials like glass and metal can be dunked in a bowl of cold water. They’ll retain the cold temperature and eventually work their way back to body temperature when you start using them. The cold material gives a unique sensation that’s good all year but even better when you’re sweating. Note: don’t put them directly in the freezer.

Sleep Naked

Sleeping naked has two advantages. First, it is definitely more comfortable to sleep naked in the heat than to put on a pair of pyjamas. Second, you get to wake up to the sight of your naked partner! If you’re into morning sex, then you’re one step closer to it every morning. 

Create your own Mist

This is a super fun idea! If you have a fan – either portable or in the ceiling – then this idea is perfect for you! Buy a little spray bottle, fill it with cold water and bring it to your room. During your sex session, take a few mini-breaks and spray the bottle in front of the fan. This will cause a cool mist effect and if you do it just right, you’ll get a very gentle refresher that will help you keep it going.

Don’t Touch

It’s time to get creative! Rubbing bodies together can get really, really warm. Sweating can get pretty intense! Instead, try out some new positions that cause less bodily friction. Think of using furniture as props to support your bodies instead of holding onto each other. Whatever works, works!


If you really can’t handle the heat at home then aim for a weekend getaway. Set a price tracker for local hotels and take advantage of having a night in air conditioning. Bonus if you get a hotel with a pool!

Whatever tricks you use this summer to stay cool, just make sure to keep your love life sizzling! Summer heat can put a damper on sex activities but hopefully with these tricks you can keep them going all season long. Have fun! Happy summer!

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