How to give your sex life a boost
Sex tips

How to give your sex life a boost

By Eva, 23.05.2019

Remember that time when you couldn’t stop thinking about jumping into your partners lap? Or almost climaxed from the idea of the two of you making love, just lying on the bed? Wake-up call, reality hits you in the face after that intense phase. Maybe your sex life still takes you places, but if not, here are some tips to spice it up a bit.

Here and now

Of course, when there is that new lover in your life, it may feel a bit like you have to improve your bed skills to him. That makes some sense, because you are into him and you want to impress him with everything your body can do. But please do not forget there’s nothing more sexy than a woman who enjoys the moment. You won’t impress that new hot shot in your life when you can’t stop thinking about all the stuff you need to do when sexy time is done. Or how sweaty your body looks like during sex. On the contrary, he will definitely like those hot drops on your body.

Don’t care

Speaking of not giving a fuck about those sweaty bodies in the bed – or on the couch, the floor or any other places – try to not care about moments that can feel a bit uncomfortable. Seriously, have you ever had any sexy moment with anyone where there wasn’t a short moment of awkwardness? Yes, we hear you. So let go of all those negative thoughts about what could go wrong, and enjoy the moment.


It may sound a bit unsexy, planning when ‘the magic happens’. But when you are in a long-term relationship, sex is probably the first thing you skip when both of you are having busy schedules. Don’t worry, we don’t want you to pressure yourself to have sex, but it can be a good idea to plan a day with your lover to make some time for pleasure. Either the two of you are finally having a moment for some intense pleasure, or you end up with some discussions about what you desire sexually.

Try and find out what works best for you !

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