Porn for women more popular than ever!

Porn for women more popular than ever!

By Sabine, 31.01.2022

More and more women know how to find porn for women on We think that is great news. Because it means more women have been helped and inspired by our platform, presenting them with videos, stories and sextips. It inspired us to engage in a large scale anonymous survey. Why? Because we think all women deserve a mindblowing sexlife. 

Porn for women gaining ground

The online survey we did before showed the popularity of female porn is gaining ground from regular porn. Great right? Porn for women shows us that sex can be tender, rough, soft, hard, wet and even shiny. Porn for women shows people really enjoying each other. Because it’s healthy and feels good. A lot of female friendly porn fans know how to find us. We mean – a lot- . More than 28.000 hours of porn for women was watched on in 2021. That means 1.166 days, 1.680.000 minutes or 3 years. For more results we urge you to read our last year’s survey on porn for women. 

Most popular videos in 2021

  • Top 3 categories of most watched videos on are Lesbian, Threesome and BDSM. 
  • The most popular search words were Licking & Hetero.
  • 55% of the visitors read the erotic stories.
  • 30% went for our sextips

Porn for women day: what do you enjoy? 

Things are heading in the right direction, but we’re not there yet. We think there’s still not enough attention for female pleasure in the erotic world. In the current digital age (young) men and women still tune in on porn videos that don’t do anything for the female pleasure. That is why we decided to declare february 24th Porn for Women Day. Because female sexuality deserves the attention! You can help us out by participating in a large scale anonymous survey. Because we produce porn for women for you. To keep improving our videos, stories and tips we need to know what makes you glow. We are curious about your wishes and delights. 

Let us know by doing the survey

Participating will take 5 minutes. All the results will be handled anonymously at all times.

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